If you’re facing issues with custom endpoints not working after activating your WordPress plugin, don’t worry; there’s a solution. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure your custom endpoints function correctly without the need for manual intervention in the permalinks settings.

Understanding the Issue

A user reported that after activating their plugin, custom endpoints (for the my-account page) weren’t working as expected. The user attempted to use flush_rewrite_rules programmatically but encountered difficulties.

Step 1: Check Your flush_rewrite_rules Implementation

One user in the discussion suggested that the problem might be with how and when flush_rewrite_rules is called. Ensure that you’re calling this function in the right place and at the right time. It’s crucial not to call it on every page load as it modifies the database.

// Example of how to use flush_rewrite_rules
function activate_my_plugin() {
// Other activation tasks

// Call flush_rewrite_rules once after activation
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'activate_my_plugin');

Step 2: Avoid Multiple Endpoint Additions

As the original poster discovered, adding custom endpoints multiple times can lead to issues. Ensure that you are adding your custom endpoint only once, typically during plugin activation. Here’s an example of how you might add a custom endpoint:

function add_custom_endpoint() {
add_rewrite_endpoint('my-account', EP_ROOT);
add_action('init', 'add_custom_endpoint');

Step 3: Review Plugin Structure

The user who posted the issue identified that the problem was not with flush_rewrite_rules but with adding the custom endpoint repeatedly. Make sure your plugin’s structure is sound, and custom endpoints are set up correctly.

Step 4: Advice on Using flush_rewrite_rules

A knowledgeable user in the discussion provided advice on the proper use of flush_rewrite_rules. They emphasized that this function should only be called on plugin activation or after updating or adding rewrite rules programmatically. Avoid calling it in the constructor or elsewhere on every page load, as this can lead to unexpected behavior.

// Example of when to use flush_rewrite_rules
function update_rewrite_rules() {
// Code to update or add rewrite rules

// Call flush_rewrite_rules after updating rules

By following these steps and understanding the nuances of flush_rewrite_rules and custom endpoint additions, you should be able to resolve issues related to activating custom endpoints in WordPress programmatically. Always remember to test your changes thoroughly to ensure a smooth user experience.


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