If you’ve been struggling to implement schema markup on your WordPress site and encountered issues with code placement and syntax errors, you’re not alone. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of manually adding schema markup via custom fields and firing it using a custom function. We’ll also address concerns about code placement and having different schemas on each page.

Understanding the Problem

The user is facing a syntax error when attempting to add schema code to their WordPress site using custom fields. They also express concerns about where to place the code and whether having different schemas on each page is an issue.

Step 1: Cleanly Add Custom Data to Your Site’s <head>

A cleaner way to add custom data, such as schema markup, to your site’s <head> section is by using a custom function hooked to a relevant action. In this case, we’ll use the wp_head action. Follow these steps:

Code for functions.php

// this goes to functions.php file
add_action('wp_head', 'insert_my_page_schema');
function insert_my_page_schema() {
// only execute the code if on a single page
if ( ! is_page() ) { // modify condition as needed
// do we have any saved schema meta
$schema = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'schema', true);
if ( ! $schema ) {
// add schema markup to the page head
echo esc_html($schema); // escape output to prevent any unintended html injections
// or if needed, format_my_page_schema($schema);

// optional helper function for formatting the schema output
function format_my_page_schema($schema) {
// format the schema, if needed
return $schema;

This code checks if the current page is a single page and if there is any saved schema meta. If both conditions are met, it adds the schema markup to the page head using the wp_head action.

Step 2: Handling Different Schemas on Each Page

The user is concerned about having different schemas on each page, but each custom field is named ‘schema.’ The key is that each page can have its own schema meta data saved with the ‘schema’ meta key. However, if you have multiple custom fields for a page, each with the same ‘schema’ meta key, it could create issues.

Code Modification for Array Format

If the field names are in array format, like name="schema[]", and you’re saving the data as an array, there shouldn’t be a problem. Ensure that the data is saved as an array, and modify the output function accordingly.

User Feedback and Troubleshooting

The user expresses gratitude for the clear response and mentions running into issues adding code to the functions.php file. Another user offers assistance by asking for the format in which schemas are saved to the custom field.

Troubleshooting Response

The user reports adding the code to functions.php and confirms that, since they don’t have multiple custom fields on the same page with the same ‘schema’ name, they didn’t need to alter it to an array.

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