If you’re new to WordPress and development, you might find yourself facing challenges when trying to customize certain aspects of your site. One common issue is adding leading zeros to post pagination numbers. In this how-to article, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to achieve this, addressing a specific code snippet shared by a user and providing a solution.

Understanding the Problem

The user shared a code snippet they had written to add leading zeros to post pagination numbers. However, they were facing issues, and another user stepped in to provide guidance. The key problem was that the initial code was filtering the entire HTML link, affecting not only the displayed page number but also unintended areas.

The Solution

To solve this issue, the second user proposed a workaround using a callback function for the wp_link_pages_link filter. The idea was to find the page number inside the HTML and replace it with the zero-padded version. Here’s a simplified version of the solution:

function wpse_287783_zeroize_page_numbers( $link, $i ) {
$zeroised = zeroise( $i, 2 );

$link = str_replace( $i, $zeroised, $link );

return $link;
add_filter( 'wp_link_pages_link', 'wpse_287783_zeroize_page_numbers', 10, 2 );

However, this simple solution had limitations, affecting the page number in the URL and potentially impacting other numbers on the page.

A More Robust Solution

To address these limitations, the second user suggested using a regular expression to precisely target the page number within the HTML tag. Here’s an improved version of the code:

function wpse_287783_zeroize_page_numbers( $link, $i ) {
$zeroised = zeroise( $i, 2 );

$link = preg_replace( '/>(\D*)(\d*)(\D*)</', '>${1}' . $zeroised . '${3}<', $link );

return $link;
add_filter( 'wp_link_pages_link', 'wpse_287783_zeroize_page_numbers', 10, 2 );

This regular expression ensures that only the number within the HTML tag is replaced, avoiding unintended consequences.


In the discussion, the user who initially posted the question mentioned that the solution wasn’t working for them. They suspected that their theme, FoundationPress, might be interfering with the pagination. If you encounter similar issues, it’s essential to investigate potential conflicts with other theme or plugin functionalities.


Customizing WordPress functionalities, especially for users new to development, can be challenging. By understanding the problem, implementing a reliable solution, and troubleshooting potential conflicts, you can successfully add leading zeros to post pagination numbers on your WordPress site.

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