If you’re working on a Gutenberg block that includes a toggle control to hide or show content, you might encounter an issue where the editor doesn’t recognize the changes made in the toggle control, preventing you from saving or updating the page. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through identifying and solving this problem.

Understanding the Issue

The provided HTML discussion reveals that the block behaves correctly when toggling the control in the editor. However, the editor is not recognizing the changes made in the toggle control, leading to difficulties in saving or updating the page.

The Problem

Upon closer inspection of the code, it becomes clear that the issue lies in the way the block component’s state is updated. The toggle control’s state is managed using the useState hook, but merely updating the state within the component doesn’t trigger a change recognized by the editor.

The Solution

To address this issue, you need to ensure that the editor recognizes the changes made in the toggle control. The key is to use block attributes and the setAttributes() function to persistently save the state of the toggle control. Follow these steps to implement the solution:

  1. Update the Edit Function: Modify the Edit function in your code to include a new attribute (hideContent) and use setAttributes() to update its value. This is crucial for the editor to recognize the changes.
    export default function Edit({ attributes, setAttributes }) {
        const { blockcontent, hideContent } = attributes;
        return (
                            label=”Hide Content?”
                            onChange={(checked) => {
                                setAttributes({ hideContent: checked });
                    <AlignmentToolbar />
                {/* … */}
  2. Update Block.json: Ensure that you update your block.json file to declare the new attribute (hideContent). This step is essential for proper attribute handling.
        “attributes”: {
            “blockcontent”: {
                “type”: “string”,
                “default”: “”
            “hideContent”: {
                “type”: “boolean”,
                “default”: false
        // … other block settings
  3. Save Changes: Once you’ve made these modifications, save your changes and test your Gutenberg block again.


By incorporating block attributes and utilizing the setAttributes() function to update the attribute value, you ensure that the editor recognizes the changes made in the toggle control. This solution enhances the synchronization between the block and the editor, allowing you to save and update your page without any issues.

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