How to Upgrade WordPress Plugin Free Version Using Pro Version

If you’re a WordPress plugin developer and have a free version in the WordPress repository with a desire to allow users to manually upgrade to a pro version, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to achieve this through code and plugin development. Understanding the Challenge […]

How to Fix the Toggle Control Issue in Your Gutenberg Block

If you’re currently working on a Gutenberg block that includes a toggle control to hide or show content, and you’re facing issues with the editor not recognizing the changes made in the toggle control, don’t worry! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to identify and fix this problem. Understanding the Issue The […]

Upgrading Your WordPress Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide

WordPress plugins often come in free and pro versions, with the pro version unlocking additional features. If you’ve developed a plugin and want to seamlessly integrate the pro version’s functionality into the free version, this step-by-step guide will help you achieve that through code and plugin development. Step 1: Separate Your Versions Begin by creating […]

How to Efficiently Query WordPress Posts with Multiple Categories

If you’re working with WordPress and need to retrieve posts that belong to multiple categories, it’s essential to understand the different syntaxes available for the WP_Query object. In this discussion, we’ll explore three syntaxes and clarify their differences, helping you choose the most efficient method for your needs. Understanding the Goal All three syntaxes discussed […]

How to Expose Custom Fields in WordPress REST API

WordPress provides a powerful REST API that allows developers to extend the functionality of their custom post types (CPTs) and retrieve data in various formats. However, exposing custom fields through the REST API requires careful implementation. In this guide, we’ll walk through a step-by-step process to troubleshoot and resolve issues when custom fields are not […]

How to Fix the Toggle Control Issue in Your Gutenberg Block

If you’re working on a Gutenberg block that includes a toggle control to hide or show content, you might encounter an issue where the editor doesn’t recognize the changes made in the toggle control, preventing you from saving or updating the page. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through identifying and solving this problem. […]

How to Improve WordPress Media Library Query Performance

If you’re experiencing slow queries in your WordPress media library due to a large database, you might find it helpful to optimize your search queries. In this article, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process based on a user’s experience and the community’s suggestions. 1. Identify the Performance Issue: The user reported slow queries in […]